我不明白為何天主種能知善惡樹;我不明白為何天主讓人跌倒;但我相信主一直帶領着我…一直供給我所須…我當年買屋時mang mang 緊,最後也涯過了。肩膊疼也好得七七八八。不須知命運,前程。只感到天主的愛那就夠了。
星期三, 11月 05, 2008
tuesday / wk 31 / ord / nov 4
I'd like to--but.
They began, one after another,
to make excuses." Luke 14:16-17
A father says, "I want to spend
more time with my kids, but I'm
too tired when I get home.
A mother says, "I want to read
stories of Jesus to the little ones,
but I can't find the time.
A single person says, "I want to
get involved in some program to
help others, but I can't decide
which one."
These three people are like the
people in the parable in today's
gospel reading. They have plaus-
ble reasons for not doing some-
thing they should do. Each, also,
know that if they wanted to so
badly enough, they could find the
time and the way to do them
What is something I've been
putting? Why am I putting it off?
He slept beneath the moon,
He basked beneath the sun;
He lived a life of going-to-do,
And died with nothing done.
Author unknown
tuesday / wk 31 / ord / nov 4
I'd like to--but.
They began, one after another,
to make excuses." Luke 14:16-17
A father says, "I want to spend
more time with my kids, but I'm
too tired when I get home.
A mother says, "I want to read
stories of Jesus to the little ones,
but I can't find the time.
A single person says, "I want to
get involved in some program to
help others, but I can't decide
which one."
These three people are like the
people in the parable in today's
gospel reading. They have plaus-
ble reasons for not doing some-
thing they should do. Each, also,
know that if they wanted to so
badly enough, they could find the
time and the way to do them
What is something I've been
putting? Why am I putting it off?
He slept beneath the moon,
He basked beneath the sun;
He lived a life of going-to-do,
And died with nothing done.
Author unknown
星期三, 10月 29, 2008
Tuesday / wk 30 / Simon & Jude / Oct 28
why I pray
Jesus spent the whole night
on a hill praying. Luke 6:12
I pray because I am a Christian,
and to do what a Christian must
do, I need strength.
I pray because there's confusion
in my life, and to know what is
right, I need light.
I pray because I have questions,
and to keep growing in the faith,
I need help.
I pray because I must make
decisions, and the choices are not
always clear, so I need guidance.
I pray because most of what I
have has been given to me,
and I ought to give thanks.
I pray because Jesus prayed,
and if he considered it important,
so should I." Mark Link, S.J.
Which of the above reasons
is the main reason why I pray?
Whoever has lost contact
with God lives on the same
dead-end street as the person
who denies God. Milton Marcy
Tuesday / wk 30 / Simon & Jude / Oct 28
why I pray
Jesus spent the whole night
on a hill praying. Luke 6:12
I pray because I am a Christian,
and to do what a Christian must
do, I need strength.
I pray because there's confusion
in my life, and to know what is
right, I need light.
I pray because I have questions,
and to keep growing in the faith,
I need help.
I pray because I must make
decisions, and the choices are not
always clear, so I need guidance.
I pray because most of what I
have has been given to me,
and I ought to give thanks.
I pray because Jesus prayed,
and if he considered it important,
so should I." Mark Link, S.J.
Which of the above reasons
is the main reason why I pray?
Whoever has lost contact
with God lives on the same
dead-end street as the person
who denies God. Milton Marcy
星期四, 10月 23, 2008
Eight Requirments to be Content
I think I need more health although I think I might be health enough to enjoy my work. But Patience, I am bad.... Dear God, train me to be more patient.... I know I cut ppl off while they talk. I am willing to listen. Help me learn.
I ask this thru Christ our Lord, Amen!
wednesday / wk 28 / ord / oct 15
eight requirements
"How terrible for you teachers of
the Law! You put onto people's
backs heavy loads and do not
lift a finger to help them
carry the loads Luke 11:46
German author Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe, listed 8 requirments
to a contented life:
health enough to enjoy work;
wealth enough to get by;
strength enough to battle my
difficulties and overcome them;
grace enough to confess my sins
and forsake them;
patience enough to toil until
some good is accomplished;
charity enough to see good in my
faith enough to make
real the things of God;
hope enough to remove all
anxious fear of the future.
Which of these 8 requirments
do I have? How contented am I?
Make sure the thing you're living
for is worth dying for.
Charles Mayes
I ask this thru Christ our Lord, Amen!
wednesday / wk 28 / ord / oct 15
eight requirements
"How terrible for you teachers of
the Law! You put onto people's
backs heavy loads and do not
lift a finger to help them
carry the loads Luke 11:46
German author Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe, listed 8 requirments
to a contented life:
health enough to enjoy work;
wealth enough to get by;
strength enough to battle my
difficulties and overcome them;
grace enough to confess my sins
and forsake them;
patience enough to toil until
some good is accomplished;
charity enough to see good in my
faith enough to make
real the things of God;
hope enough to remove all
anxious fear of the future.
Which of these 8 requirments
do I have? How contented am I?
Make sure the thing you're living
for is worth dying for.
Charles Mayes
星期日, 10月 19, 2008
我指名召叫了你,給你起了這個稱號,縱然你還不認識我。 - 依撒意亞先知書 45:4
I have called you by your name,
giving you a title, though you knew me not.
- Isaiah 45:4
我最尊貴的稱號是上主的子女....... 這稱號是世上沒有一個稱號能比的!!!這稱號是主的賞賜;不是從別的地方得來。我所有的一切,工作,朋友,家人,資產,智慧,通通都是主的賞賜。謝主隆恩,萬歲萬歲萬萬歲!哈哈哈!怗切怗切!
I have called you by your name,
giving you a title, though you knew me not.
- Isaiah 45:4
我最尊貴的稱號是上主的子女....... 這稱號是世上沒有一個稱號能比的!!!這稱號是主的賞賜;不是從別的地方得來。我所有的一切,工作,朋友,家人,資產,智慧,通通都是主的賞賜。謝主隆恩,萬歲萬歲萬萬歲!哈哈哈!怗切怗切!
星期三, 9月 10, 2008
I'm going with you
wednesday / wk 24 / ord / sept 17
I'm going with you
"You are like ill-tempered children.
Luke 7:33
Sue and Sam were married for five
years. After a good beginning, their
relationship deteriorated. If one
made a suggestion, the other ob-
jected. Neither could do anything
to satisfy the other. One night Sam
came home and found Sue packing.
"I can't stand it anymore," she
said. "We are like two mean-
spirited children. All we do is
bicker, complain, and fight." Sam
stood bewildered as Sue walked
out of the house, down the street
to a motel. Running to the closet,
he threw a few things in his suit-
case, ran after Sue, shouting,
"I can't stand it any longer either.
I'm going with you!"
Jesus' words and the story of Sam
and Sue invite me to inventory my
relationships. Which are thriving;
which need attention?
Anger is the wind that blows out
the lamp of the mind. Robert Ingersoll
wednesday / wk 24 / ord / sept 17
I'm going with you
"You are like ill-tempered children.
Luke 7:33
Sue and Sam were married for five
years. After a good beginning, their
relationship deteriorated. If one
made a suggestion, the other ob-
jected. Neither could do anything
to satisfy the other. One night Sam
came home and found Sue packing.
"I can't stand it anymore," she
said. "We are like two mean-
spirited children. All we do is
bicker, complain, and fight." Sam
stood bewildered as Sue walked
out of the house, down the street
to a motel. Running to the closet,
he threw a few things in his suit-
case, ran after Sue, shouting,
"I can't stand it any longer either.
I'm going with you!"
Jesus' words and the story of Sam
and Sue invite me to inventory my
relationships. Which are thriving;
which need attention?
Anger is the wind that blows out
the lamp of the mind. Robert Ingersoll
星期四, 9月 04, 2008
星期四, 7月 17, 2008
Red Mazda Miata goes for a dive, belly-flops into pool - The York Daily Record
Red Mazda Miata goes for a dive, belly-flops into pool - The York Daily Record
It must be a hot day. The red convertible decided to go for a swim. Hahaha....
It must be a hot day. The red convertible decided to go for a swim. Hahaha....
星期一, 6月 30, 2008
What a trip!!!
今次去Colorado,第一天就跌爛了Zoom lens。過了幾天,大猫變花面猫,還有那意外…皮肉之傷;一場驚慌;財物損失;褔大命大,平安回來;真是感謝天主。求主繼續保守我們;解決餘下的問題,因主耶穌基督之名:亞孟!
今次去Colorado,第一天就跌爛了Zoom lens。過了幾天,大猫變花面猫,還有那意外…皮肉之傷;一場驚慌;財物損失;褔大命大,平安回來;真是感謝天主。求主繼續保守我們;解決餘下的問題,因主耶穌基督之名:亞孟!
星期二, 6月 10, 2008
ABC News: Exclusive: 'Miracle' Man Lives to Tell
ABC News: Exclusive: 'Miracle' Man Lives to Tell
Wow.... I wouldn't image you could live to tell this story. A fall from 47 stories.
Wow.... I wouldn't image you could live to tell this story. A fall from 47 stories.
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