星期四, 10月 23, 2008

Eight Requirments to be Content

I think I need more health although I think I might be health enough to enjoy my work. But Patience, I am bad.... Dear God, train me to be more patient.... I know I cut ppl off while they talk. I am willing to listen. Help me learn.
I ask this thru Christ our Lord, Amen!
wednesday / wk 28 / ord / oct 15

eight requirements

"How terrible for you teachers of
the Law! You put onto people's
backs heavy loads and do not
lift a finger to help them
carry the loads Luke 11:46

erman author Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe, listed 8 requirments
to a contented life:
health enough to enjoy work;
wealth enough to get by;
strength enough to battle my
difficulties and overcome them;
grace enough to confess my sins
and forsake them;
patience enough to toil until
some good is accomplished;
charity enough to see good in my
faith enough to make
real the things of God;
hope enough to remove all
anxious fear of the future.

Which of these 8 requirments
do I have? How contented am I?

Make sure the thing you're living
for is worth dying for.
Charles Mayes
