星期三, 10月 29, 2008




Tuesday / wk 30 / Simon & Jude / Oct 28

why I pray

esus spent the whole night
on a hill praying. Luke 6:12

pray because I am a Christian,
and to do what a Christian must
do, I need strength.
I pray because there's confusion
in my life, and to know what is
right, I need light.

I pray because I have questions,
and to keep growing in the faith,
I need help.
I pray because I must make
decisions, and the choices are not
always clear, so I need guidance.

I pray because most of what I
have has been given to me,
and I ought to give thanks.
I pray because Jesus prayed,
and if he considered it important,
so should I." Mark Link, S.J.

Which of the above reasons
is the main reason why I pray?

Whoever has lost contact
with God lives on the same
dead-end street as the person
who denies God. Milton Marcy
