tuesday / wk 31 / ord / nov 4
I'd like to--but.
They began, one after another,
to make excuses." Luke 14:16-17
A father says, "I want to spend
more time with my kids, but I'm
too tired when I get home.
A mother says, "I want to read
stories of Jesus to the little ones,
but I can't find the time.
A single person says, "I want to
get involved in some program to
help others, but I can't decide
which one."
These three people are like the
people in the parable in today's
gospel reading. They have plaus-
ble reasons for not doing some-
thing they should do. Each, also,
know that if they wanted to so
badly enough, they could find the
time and the way to do them
What is something I've been
putting? Why am I putting it off?
He slept beneath the moon,
He basked beneath the sun;
He lived a life of going-to-do,
And died with nothing done.
Author unknown