星期三, 9月 10, 2008

I'm going with you


wednesday / wk 24 / ord / sept 17

I'm going with you

"You are like ill-tempered children.
Luke 7:33

Sue and Sam were married for five
years. After a good beginning, their
relationship deteriorated. If one
made a suggestion, the other ob-
jected. Neither could do anything
to satisfy the other. One night Sam
came home and found Sue packing.

"I can't stand it anymore," she
said. "We are like two mean-
spirited children. All we do is
bicker, complain, and fight." Sam
stood bewildered as Sue walked
out of the house, down the street
to a motel. Running to the closet,
he threw a few things in his suit-
case, ran after Sue, shouting,
"I can't stand it any longer either.
I'm going with you!"

Jesus' words and the story of Sam
and Sue invite me to inventory my
relationships. Which are thriving;
which need attention?

nger is the wind that blows out
the lamp of the mind. Robert Ingersoll
