星期日, 3月 11, 2007



sunday / wk 3 / lent / mar 11

there's a hole
in every human heart

A woman was drawing water
at a well. Jesus said to her,
"Whoever drinks this water will
get thirsty again, but whoever
drinks the water that I will give
will never be thirsty again."
"Sir," the woman said, "Give
me that water! John 4:13-14

Theologian Frank Sheed says:
"Everywhere people are crying
out for hope and meaning in
life. They have a spiritual thirst
that needs to be satisfied."
So how does the world
address their need?" It says:

"Here's a cell phone! Here's
the Internet! It tries to distract
people from their spiritual thirst,
much as we give a baby candy
to distract it from crying for its
mother." Sheed concludes:

"The stream of inventions has
served extraordinarily well to
keep people occupied, to keep
them from remembering what
is troubling them."

To what extent might I find
myself trying to satisfy a
spiritual hunger and thirst
with material food and drink?

There's a hole
in every human heart
that only God
can fill.



