星期三, 3月 21, 2007
wednesday / wk 4 / lent / mar 21
have the itimacy and
loving trust of a child
Jesus said, "The Father loves
the Son." John 5:19-20
Biblical scholar Dorothy Dawes
was watching Israeli children
splashing about in the Sea of
Galilee. Suddenly, one child
called out to his daddy, "Abba!
This word caught her by surprise
and moved her. It was the word
that Jesus used in addressing
his Father--and taught us, also,
to use in addresssing the Father.
Literally, it means "Daddy"
In other words, Jesus taught us
to address God the same way
he himself did: with the intimacy
and loving trust of a small child
calling out to a loving parent.
What is one thing that keeps me
from addressing God with the
loving trust of a small child?
God in heaven,
when the idea of you awakes
in my heart, let it awaken
not like a frightened bird
that thrashes about in panic,
but like a little child waking
from a nap--its face aglow
with trusting smile.
Soren Kierkegaard (free translation)
have the itimacy and
loving trust of a child
Jesus said, "The Father loves
the Son." John 5:19-20
Biblical scholar Dorothy Dawes
was watching Israeli children
splashing about in the Sea of
Galilee. Suddenly, one child
called out to his daddy, "Abba!
This word caught her by surprise
and moved her. It was the word
that Jesus used in addressing
his Father--and taught us, also,
to use in addresssing the Father.
Literally, it means "Daddy"
In other words, Jesus taught us
to address God the same way
he himself did: with the intimacy
and loving trust of a small child
calling out to a loving parent.
What is one thing that keeps me
from addressing God with the
loving trust of a small child?
God in heaven,
when the idea of you awakes
in my heart, let it awaken
not like a frightened bird
that thrashes about in panic,
but like a little child waking
from a nap--its face aglow
with trusting smile.
Soren Kierkegaard (free translation)
星期六, 3月 17, 2007
2007年3月17 日
撒迦利亞按班次在神面前供祭司的職分,照祭司的規矩掣籤,得進主殿燒香……有主的使者站在香壇的右邊,向他顯現……對他說:「撒迦利亞,不要害怕,因為你的祈禱已經被聽見了。」……撒迦利亞對天使說:「我憑著甚麼可知道這事呢?我已經老了,我的妻子也年紀老邁了。」(路一8至11, 18)昔日的祭司是用抽籤方式,決定進入至聖所燒香事奉的人選。每個被選到的祭司,會在至聖所供職兩週。這是每位祭司畢生渴求的事,許多祭司事奉了很久,甚至到死也沒得著這機會。撒迦利亞被抽中進入至聖所,固然值得高興,但以色列人沒有從神得著啟示已近四百年了。他慣於平淡又接受了自己年老仍膝下猶虛的事實,一切的遺憾、不足,彷彿已成定局;彌賽亞的應許,亦成了遙不可及的盼望。因此當天使的話劃破多年的沉寂,他也似乎沒有半點興奮,首先想到的反而是自身的不足,現實條件的不可能……。
~ 徐道勵
撒迦利亞按班次在神面前供祭司的職分,照祭司的規矩掣籤,得進主殿燒香……有主的使者站在香壇的右邊,向他顯現……對他說:「撒迦利亞,不要害怕,因為你的祈禱已經被聽見了。」……撒迦利亞對天使說:「我憑著甚麼可知道這事呢?我已經老了,我的妻子也年紀老邁了。」(路一8至11, 18)昔日的祭司是用抽籤方式,決定進入至聖所燒香事奉的人選。每個被選到的祭司,會在至聖所供職兩週。這是每位祭司畢生渴求的事,許多祭司事奉了很久,甚至到死也沒得著這機會。撒迦利亞被抽中進入至聖所,固然值得高興,但以色列人沒有從神得著啟示已近四百年了。他慣於平淡又接受了自己年老仍膝下猶虛的事實,一切的遺憾、不足,彷彿已成定局;彌賽亞的應許,亦成了遙不可及的盼望。因此當天使的話劃破多年的沉寂,他也似乎沒有半點興奮,首先想到的反而是自身的不足,現實條件的不可能……。
~ 徐道勵
星期日, 3月 11, 2007
sunday / wk 3 / lent / mar 11
there's a hole
in every human heart
A woman was drawing water
at a well. Jesus said to her,
"Whoever drinks this water will
get thirsty again, but whoever
drinks the water that I will give
will never be thirsty again."
"Sir," the woman said, "Give
me that water! John 4:13-14
Theologian Frank Sheed says:
"Everywhere people are crying
out for hope and meaning in
life. They have a spiritual thirst
that needs to be satisfied."
So how does the world
address their need?" It says:
"Here's a cell phone! Here's
the Internet! It tries to distract
people from their spiritual thirst,
much as we give a baby candy
to distract it from crying for its
mother." Sheed concludes:
"The stream of inventions has
served extraordinarily well to
keep people occupied, to keep
them from remembering what
is troubling them."
To what extent might I find
myself trying to satisfy a
spiritual hunger and thirst
with material food and drink?
There's a hole
in every human heart
that only God
can fill.
sunday / wk 3 / lent / mar 11
there's a hole
in every human heart
A woman was drawing water
at a well. Jesus said to her,
"Whoever drinks this water will
get thirsty again, but whoever
drinks the water that I will give
will never be thirsty again."
"Sir," the woman said, "Give
me that water! John 4:13-14
Theologian Frank Sheed says:
"Everywhere people are crying
out for hope and meaning in
life. They have a spiritual thirst
that needs to be satisfied."
So how does the world
address their need?" It says:
"Here's a cell phone! Here's
the Internet! It tries to distract
people from their spiritual thirst,
much as we give a baby candy
to distract it from crying for its
mother." Sheed concludes:
"The stream of inventions has
served extraordinarily well to
keep people occupied, to keep
them from remembering what
is troubling them."
To what extent might I find
myself trying to satisfy a
spiritual hunger and thirst
with material food and drink?
There's a hole
in every human heart
that only God
can fill.
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