星期一, 5月 14, 2007
ABC News: Birds 'Dazed and Confused' by Fla. Blazes
Bird hit buildings and died. Lets hope God is taking care of the birds and humans. They are safe from the wildfire. And pick up their lifes after they are distinguished.
星期三, 5月 02, 2007
Is Today a Good Day??
主耶穌,感謝祢,賜給我們好的每一天,求祢賜給我們智慧和勇氣面對挑戰。善度每一天。"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad."以上所求是靠主耶穌基督之名,亞孟!
星期六, 4月 28, 2007
星期一, 4月 23, 2007
星期四, 4月 19, 2007
星期三, 4月 18, 2007
星期三, 3月 28, 2007
星期三, 3月 21, 2007
have the itimacy and
loving trust of a child
Jesus said, "The Father loves
the Son." John 5:19-20
Biblical scholar Dorothy Dawes
was watching Israeli children
splashing about in the Sea of
Galilee. Suddenly, one child
called out to his daddy, "Abba!
This word caught her by surprise
and moved her. It was the word
that Jesus used in addressing
his Father--and taught us, also,
to use in addresssing the Father.
Literally, it means "Daddy"
In other words, Jesus taught us
to address God the same way
he himself did: with the intimacy
and loving trust of a small child
calling out to a loving parent.
What is one thing that keeps me
from addressing God with the
loving trust of a small child?
God in heaven,
when the idea of you awakes
in my heart, let it awaken
not like a frightened bird
that thrashes about in panic,
but like a little child waking
from a nap--its face aglow
with trusting smile.
Soren Kierkegaard (free translation)
星期六, 3月 17, 2007
撒迦利亞按班次在神面前供祭司的職分,照祭司的規矩掣籤,得進主殿燒香……有主的使者站在香壇的右邊,向他顯現……對他說:「撒迦利亞,不要害怕,因為你的祈禱已經被聽見了。」……撒迦利亞對天使說:「我憑著甚麼可知道這事呢?我已經老了,我的妻子也年紀老邁了。」(路一8至11, 18)昔日的祭司是用抽籤方式,決定進入至聖所燒香事奉的人選。每個被選到的祭司,會在至聖所供職兩週。這是每位祭司畢生渴求的事,許多祭司事奉了很久,甚至到死也沒得著這機會。撒迦利亞被抽中進入至聖所,固然值得高興,但以色列人沒有從神得著啟示已近四百年了。他慣於平淡又接受了自己年老仍膝下猶虛的事實,一切的遺憾、不足,彷彿已成定局;彌賽亞的應許,亦成了遙不可及的盼望。因此當天使的話劃破多年的沉寂,他也似乎沒有半點興奮,首先想到的反而是自身的不足,現實條件的不可能……。
~ 徐道勵
星期日, 3月 11, 2007
sunday / wk 3 / lent / mar 11
there's a hole
in every human heart
A woman was drawing water
at a well. Jesus said to her,
"Whoever drinks this water will
get thirsty again, but whoever
drinks the water that I will give
will never be thirsty again."
"Sir," the woman said, "Give
me that water! John 4:13-14
Theologian Frank Sheed says:
"Everywhere people are crying
out for hope and meaning in
life. They have a spiritual thirst
that needs to be satisfied."
So how does the world
address their need?" It says:
"Here's a cell phone! Here's
the Internet! It tries to distract
people from their spiritual thirst,
much as we give a baby candy
to distract it from crying for its
mother." Sheed concludes:
"The stream of inventions has
served extraordinarily well to
keep people occupied, to keep
them from remembering what
is troubling them."
To what extent might I find
myself trying to satisfy a
spiritual hunger and thirst
with material food and drink?
There's a hole
in every human heart
that only God
can fill.
星期三, 2月 28, 2007
我 的心哪,你曾對耶和華說:「袮是我的主;我的好處不在袮以外。」……以 別神代替耶和華的,他們的愁苦必加增。 (詩十六2至4)
我們真要常提醒自己:「我的好處不在袮以外。」可不是嗎? 我們常盼多得一點好處,彷彿在主裡的好處不夠,須往外尋。所以心思經常遊蕩──心靈浪子。表面像沒 離開神,心思卻已遠遊,覺得主給的不夠,覺得怎麼別人有的我沒有?有信徒說,他們對神失望,因神不賜他們所求。 我們每每先認定甚麼是好處,然後要求神賜予,卻沒想到在神裡已有一切好處。
最近一位宣教士告訴 我,她大學時代信主,有一姊妹幫助她。那姊妹也不大會禱告,於是建議二人天天圍繞校園,邊走邊感恩。如是者三年,她變成一個很快樂的人。我問:「妳們為甚 麼事感恩?」她答:「為當天每一件事,如所上的課。」換言之,不為欲望實現,乃為神已給的一切。人的欲望無止境,倘若我們為欲望而活,以追求欲望滿足取代 追求神,我們的愁苦必加增。因人渺小愚昧,我們所看為好的,不一定真好。等到時間證明一切時,我們已失去了多少,並積堆了多少愁苦!?
星期三, 2月 14, 2007
2007年2月13 日
因為你們是重價買來的,所以,要在你們的身子上榮耀神。 (林前六20)
世界的價值觀是:有出色的表現,你就是個重要人物;所以許多人窮一生為了「出人頭地」、被人重視,不斷地向上爬,證明自己是「可以」的。甚至基督徒也會落 在這網羅中,以好行為、好事奉、好見證,來「證明」自己的價值。更可憐的是,有些做父母的有意無意把這價值觀活了出來,做兒女的總要拿好成績、有好表現才 是個好孩子,這樣要靠表現來鞏固地位,永遠不會有安全感。
想想今天你的努力,是因為要成為某某人(somebody);抑或你已知道自己是 somebody
~ 邱佩鳳
星期一, 2月 12, 2007
Jesus' Mark
monday / wk 6 / ord / feb 12
the mark identified
and protected him
The Lord banished Cain for
killing his brother Abel. Cain
lamented, 'I will be homeless
wanderer. Anyone who finds
me will kill me.' So the Lord put
a mark on Cain to warn anyone
who met him not to kill him.'
Genesis 4:14-15
Ancient owners marked their
slaves with tatoos or brands.
The mark identified the slave
as belonging to them. It also
protected the slave.
A person would think twice
before harming the slave of a
powerful owner.
This background helps us to
understand the point of today's
scripture reading. The mark
put on Cain indentifies him as
belonging to the Lord. It is also
served as a kind of merciful
protection on the part of the
How is my own personal story
somewhat similar to
the personal story of Cain?
Let no one
make troubles for me
for I bear the marks of Jesus
on my body. Galatians 6:17"
Thank you Lord for protecting me so far!
Send me, I am ready to spread your message.
Send me, I am ready to be procecuted.
Protect me from temptations.
Protect me from getting hurt.
Protect me from harm.
I asked this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
星期日, 2月 11, 2007
孖言媽語﹕細數我們擁有 - Yahoo! 新聞
孖言媽語﹕細數我們擁有 (明報) 02月 12日 星期一 05:10AM
【明報專訊】有云count your blessing,數一數我們擁有的,而不是計較我們的缺失。
孩子,得和失也是一對雙生兒,世上沒有absolute victory這回事,既然不可以擁有整個世界,我們就要學懂不去怨恨,學習珍惜自己的所有。
星期六, 2月 10, 2007
original sin
friday / wk 5 / ord / feb 9
of eating
The snake said, "Eat the fruit,
you will be like God and know
what is good and what is evil"
As soon as they had eaten
it, they were given undertand-
ing and realized that they were
naked and they hid from God.
Genesis 3:4,7,8
If God created everything good,
where did evil come from?
The Book of Gensis answers
with a symbol story (similar to
the parable stories of Jesus).
The key to understanding it
is the symbolism of eating.
The snake told Eve that if she
ate the fruit she would be like
God and know good from evil.
To eat is a symbolic way of
saying that the couple learned
what was evil by becoming evil.
They tasted evil. Since they
were good, and became evil,
they now know good from evil.
How did evil invade the world?
Through the sin of the first
man and first woman,
who listened to the Tempter
rather than to their Creator?
How do I handle temptation?
True repentance hates the sin,
and not merely the penalty;
and it hates the sin most of all
because it has
discovered and felt God's love.
william m. taylor
I got temptations every day. The temptations of being distracted at work. The temptation of being someone that I was never born to be. The temptation of being rude to someone. The temptation of ignoring someone in need. I tried to resist these temptations. With God's help, I have resisted some of them. Although I have fell into some of them. As our Ch 6 also describes St. Paul's frustration. I did not do what I want and I did what I don't want. Dear God, please help all the people that are willing to do good, to follow You, to resist temptations, be an image of You. I asked this through Christ our Lord, Amen
星期三, 2月 07, 2007
More Inconvenience Truth
tuesday / wk 5 / ord / feb 6
let's not
make God a slumlord
God commanded, "Let the
water be filled with many kinds
of living beings . . . And God
was pleased . . .Then God . . .
created human beings . . .
blessed them, and said . . .
I am putting you in charge of
the fish, the birds, and the wild
animals. Genesis 1:20, 21, 26-28
Marion Stoddard spearheaded
a drive in Groton, Mass. to
to clean up the Nashua River.
It was so polluted people joked
it was "too thick to pour and
too thin to plow."
About the success of the drive,
she said, "You don't have to be
real smart; you just have to
identify the people with power,
the people who care and be
real committed, persistent and
Stanley Jones launched a
similar drive to clean up the
Kankakee River in Kankakee,
Illinois. "Show people that
somebody cares," said Jones,
"and all apathy disappears."
On a scale of one (not very)
to ten (very) how caring am I
about the kind of planet we will
be passing on to our children?
How might I translate that care
into more telling action?
a slumlord.
Robert Orben
I used not to.... But I felt that I have to.... All I need is "BIG" Action to.....
星期一, 2月 05, 2007
Inconvenient Truth
daily meditation
monday / wk 5 / ord / feb 5
not owners,
but stewards
In the beginning . . .
God created the universe. . . .
The earth produced all kinds
of plants, and God was
pleased with what he saw.
Genesis 1:1, 11-12
Jacques Cousteau used to take
his young son, Jean-Michel,
with him on his undersea
explorations. Jean-Michel said:
"My father imparted to me
the belief that we are not the
owners of the world's
resources. Rather, we are its
stewards, responsible, for
protecting what we have for
those who will follow. . . .
"But as I travel I am struck by
how infrequently we keep
future generations in mind."
How am I trying to exercise
responsible stewardship of
earth's resources?
belongs as much
to those
who are to come after us . . .
as to us;
and we have no right
by anything we do or neglect,
to involve them
in unnecessary penalties,
or deprive them
of benefits.
John Ruskin, The Lamp of Memory
We watch Inconvenient Truth on Friday, I was skeptic that Al is exaggerating the truth. I have a belief in my mind that might be true but also might be flawed. God created this world and He would not let us destroy it. He asked us to be stewards for this world and we messed up. Either He would help us saved it or let us destroyed it. We have already done some irreversible damage, what else could we do? Can the earth heal itself if we stop destroying it. In fact we do not know..... No one knows..... All the experts do not know...... The politicians do not know...... Al does not know.......
After reading this mediation, I have a different perspective. I understand the meaning of this movie. I understand why the world is worth saving. It is for those who come after us. To hope that they would have the better quality of the world as we do now. Hope that the world does not deteriorate when the next generation grows up. We need to cooperate with God to make this happen. Al is a messenger from God to alert us of our wicked behavior.
Dear God, thanks for letting me see what is the meaning of something important. Help me, the hard headed person to step back and see other good things that you and some other people did that I did not notice or even think is a waste of time. I want to be open but my mind is so contaminated with my preconceptions. Sorry Lord, please help me overcome my weaknesses. To be your good stewards of this world. I asked this through Christ our Lord, Amen
星期日, 2月 04, 2007
2007年2月3 日
聖經裡說的愛不是一種感覺,乃是不論自身的環境和感覺如何,都願意對他人行出愛。這愛不求回報、不求讚賞、不自私。這愛只求能榮耀神,和行神所喜悅的事。 一位姐妹因信仰被捕。牢房是用水泥砌成的,冬天非常冷,同監一位女犯的腳長滿凍瘡,且潰爛,疼痛難忍。姐妹冒著被鬥和毆打的危險,趁著看守不注意,把自己身上唯一能保暖的棉背心撕開,包裹女犯那雙潰爛的腳,使之不再受凍。在這黑暗冰冷的寒冬裡,姐妹的愛心閃耀出春天的煥發生命。這愛不但溫暖人心,還能戰勝魔鬼的權勢,滿有能力。 在這充滿罪惡痛苦,彼此吞噬的幽暗世界中,天上的神吩咐祂的兒女,不但要彼此相愛,還要加上愛眾人的心。不是因為周圍的人都可愛,都懂得感恩才去愛,只因為主先愛我們,為我們捨命。神也要我們白白的、無條件的去愛人。天上的神願意透過祂的兒女,讓世人經歷到神無限的恩典和慈愛。「主啊,求袮幫助我,使我以全新的方式去愛人,如同袮愛我一樣。阿們!」
~ 黃維娜