星期二, 1月 16, 2007

Scary Day in Portland 2007/01/16


I am in Portland today and got some scary experience. The video is basically what I have experienced; Slipping and sliding away. I almost hit another car trying to stop at a redlight. I almost could not climb up a slightly upward climb after a red light. Thank God I got to work and later to the hotel safely. In fact, I have abandon my car at work and walked to the hotel tonight. We saw cars slipping as we walked. We stopped and watch each car drove by us before continue walking. I would stay at the hotel and work if the situation has not improved tomorrow. Man! I have chosen the right day and week to come up here. The only way to drive safely in this situation is to install chains or cables which any rental company would discourage you to do so.

Lets pray that everyone in this area and other treacherous area will be safe from harm.

God Bless, JC
