星期二, 1月 31, 2006




主,近來有幾個朋友有難關不能解決,求主帶領!身體殘缺,求主醫治!前景不明朗,求主賜與勇氣!彼遺棄,求主幫助接受!你說過你會與我們一起直到今世終 結,感謝你一直以來的眷顧。求主保祐我的家人,他們都回到香港團聚,求主賜給他們有愉快的時光!以上所求是靠主基督之名,亞孟!

星期四, 1月 12, 2006



我回程飛機6:55PM PDX->SJC。下雨天,繁忙時間,4:30走。無食午飯,不如早點走。搞搞o下,4點3。執完野4點半。未食野,買個薯片, 上車4點7,求天主祝福,不要走飛機。上了公路,很塞車,有天主祝褔,應該無問題。塞了很久,就快6點,開始心急!!!6點1,還了車,取了登機証,發現 飛機是6:45,應該趕得上,怎知照X光說我太多行李,要我回去把行李寄。10分鐘後,終於可以照X光。我帶了電腦版,那工作人員說板要再照,仲急,後來 他老闆說,不是手提電腦,不用再照。感謝主,終於趕上....

臨下機前1小時,忽然記得,我車匙門匙都在我的記倉行李,那小姐說,我的行李若趕不到我的飛機,它會在下1班到SJC的飛機送到。沒車匙,不能去吃飯,不 能回家,整天只吃了薯片,花生,但擔心也沒用,只是想一想誰能救我,也沒想太多了。讚美主,行李沒問題。信靠主無論如何都會得勝!只希望自己連少少心急也 沒有。前幾天電話濕了,不能用,若然沒有電話用就更狼狽了。感謝主,有驚無險!


星期二, 1月 03, 2006

Working Away

This week has been crazy. I worked 10-11 yesterday and 9-10 today. Thank God for helping me get the system working yesterday. The bosses are happy, but I am quite tired. Hopefully I can go home soon and everything back to normal. Today it is much less productive, although I spent much time working. Oh well, successed does not come everyday. God wants us to know He is in charge not us. Glory to God forever.


Prayer for week 01/03/06

Thank You Lord for the new year. Thank You for the blessings last year. I survived another year of ups and downs. Endured the crazy work schedule. And boring days. In peace with the "good but not quite good enough" yearly reviews. Waves of personal and family issues. Relationships broken and mended. Under your presence and totally immerse in myself. I had been so proud sometimes and forgot about You are the source of any inspiration and thought. In the past, I felt so proud to be the hero that got the things working. This time, I felt good but know that it is not by my own effort but a higher power is with me.

Lord for this new year. Help me to think about others more than myself. This is my new year resolution and prayer. Lord help me to persevere fighting off a temptation I had over years and years. Thank You Lord for listening. I asked this though Christ our Lord, Amen.