我昨晚讀到格林多前書3:5-9,「其實,阿頗羅算什麼﹖保祿算什麼﹖不過只是僕役,使你們獲得信仰,每人照主所指派的而工作: 我栽種,阿頗羅澆灌,然而使之生長的,卻是天主。 可見,栽種的不算什麼,澆灌的也不算什麼,只在那使之生長的天主。 所以栽種的和澆灌的原是一事,不過各人將要按自己的勞苦領受自己的賞報。 我們原是天主的助手,你們是天主的莊田,是天主的建築物。 」我的工作只是要作主所指派的事,其他的天主自有安排。主對我說:「安於現狀,努力工作!」我知道了,求主帶領,教我安於現狀,不再掙扎。努力工作,做好你交給我的事。I am finally free!!!!以上所求是靠基督之名,亞孟!
Shout to the Lord
All the earth let us sing
Power and Majesty Praise to the King
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
At the sound of Your Name
I sing for joy at the work of Your Hands
Forever I love you forever I stand
Nothing compares to the promise I had in you
3 則留言:
Hi Joe,
I think your e-mail sounds a little too ... (I don't know if passive should be the word). But did you search what you've gained (tangibly or intangibly) from the position that God's asked you to be in. God wouldn't put us in something that is not good for us. It's just whether we can find him in those missions. If not, we need to keep searching. It may be too boring or tirey to farm a land, there's always somebody who enjoyed the harvest. This is where our joy's coming from. Think about it - your faith made you stay, your faith should also make you harvest.
B rgds,
Passive is actually good, since indecision is even worse. I was stuck in indecision for a long long time. That hinders me to learn more things in my current job, and would not help looking another one. God has been very good to me. I was stuck there for a long long time. God told me to 安於現狀,努力工作. He whisper in my ears so I won't dispute as my own voice. I have not been trusting His words for this work thing a long time. I need to learn to be more trusting.
Hi Josephine,
The bible tells us, "Whatever we do, we should do it diligently, as we do it for the Lord." In fact, God has a heart to give the best for us. On the other hand, He also places us in tests so that we are prepared to achieve His purposes. This is actually not about ourselves but about Him.
Continue seek Him to understand His will and rely on Him to overcome our obstacles and remember to glory Him.