Day 1
Great start.....
My street lost power 5 minutes after my clock radio rang...
I can't take a shower in the dark..... I brush my teeth under the flash light.... Hopefully, no one smell me...
Since I had nothing to do in the dark, I decided to leave home early... Way early.....
I loaded my luggage in the dim light of my trunk....
I manually open the garage door...
I drove through the dark street, one side with lights, the other side without....
Some traffic lights are dark, some are working.....
Suddenly.... Road closed.... No worries, I got plenty of time.... Have to follow another car to get to hwy 92...
I am surprised so many cars on 92 before 5AM.......
Got to Millbrae BART, I got into the right car that do not need transfer to SFO... The luck returns????
Got to the airport, take AIRTRANs.... Took the wrong one.... Went to car rental center.... No worries, still plenty of time....
Checkin my baggage.... No problem there.... Thank God...
Security check point.... Please take your computer out next time.... Um.... Isn't the sign said I no longer need to take it out???
I will have a nice nap on the plane....
No internet in the terminal... Only when I go to the gate for my departure flight, I could log in as Guest for Delta Business Center
Second leg of flight....
Half awake half asleep on the plane
Wow rough landing....
I went through customs without too much problem
Waited for an hour and did not find my coworker...
Get a shuttle and waited an hour for all the customers to fill the shuttle...
Got to the hotel and waited half hour for a room.... Sabbath and people don't checkout till sundown.
VPN does not work.... So you can say this might be good...
Napped for 3 hours and now it is 2:45AM and not sleepy.....
Tomorrow will be a better day...